Beyond You

You were a god. You are a god. You will always be a god.

It will always be of your lungs and your nails and your eyes.

Your lungs are filled with tar and life. You cough up the smoke of pollution that cradles you and the seeds of the future that lay beyond you.

Your nails are caked with dirt, blood and holy wine. The red of the latter two mix until they are impossible to separate, the blood is holy for the wrong reasons.

Your eyes remind others of your fallibility. Too human to ever reach enlightenment, but inhuman enough to imply that your fingers have brushed with it.

They keep looking up, further beyond you, a god is what you are but you can never reach that far without needing to stretch.

Humanity is below you, infallibility is above you. A middle ground, a barrier, is what you were, what you are, and what you will always be.

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